Greg Klyma

Boston, MA
Greg Klyma is a road-tested troubadour and a relentless songwriter. You'll find him weaving lanes between Tom Petty and Merle Haggard on music's highway.

Upcoming Shows

December 21
Purple Fiddle (Cafe, Restaurant or Coffee Shop)
Thomas, WV
December 22
Purple Fiddle (Cafe, Restaurant or Coffee Shop)
Thomas, WV
February 21
Rose Bowl Tavern (Nightclub)
Urbana, IL
March 7
The Focal Point (Listening Room)
Maplewood, MO
April 25
The Burren (Cafe, Restaurant or Coffee Shop)
Somerville, MA
July 17
Farha Backyarder (House Concert)
Wichita, KS
Booking Contact
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