Lost Church Santa Rosa

Contact Info
427 Mendocino Ave

Upcoming Shows

August 4

Previous Shows

July 11
Kimo is one of the world’s foremost Hawaiian “slack key” guitar artists. He has over one hundred million spins on streaming services. He is a 2021 Grammy Winner for “More Guitar Stories” and a 2019 nominee for “Moku Maluhia-Peaceful Island”.
June 14
Mia Borders is an R&B/Soul singer-songwriter from New Orleans, LA.
May 25
"It?s beautifully produced, poignant in places, stirring in others, romantic and sad. Just honest and sweet and heartfelt and very very good. -Samantha Simmonds-Ronceros NoHo Arts Review
May 19
S.R. cut his teeth as a songwriter in Austin, Texas. The “live music capitol of the world”. You can find him performing all over California solo and with his band The Heartsleeves. His new release “A.M. Sessions” is available at his live shows
May 5
April 10
Gillian sings stories where Americana meets folk and steeps into soul, where finger picking builds and swells and gets slapped back to silence. She calls it full-bodied folk.
March 14
The songs on my new album, "Seek the Love You’re Yearning" reflect my belief that everyone can reject their past neglect and abuse, which may hold them back from finding their heart’s desire.