Burnham Presents is a small music venue held in historic Burnham Hall in downtown Lincoln Vermont Featuring nationally touring and regional performers of note on first Saturdays September through May.
Maya?s music unabashedly blurs genre, weaving country, folk, rock, and pop elements through her vibrant storytelling and her extraordinarily dynamic singing.
A fusion of each other's unique musical journey resulting in a music all its own, filled with vocal harmonies, instrumental virtuosity, and a genuine love of song.
An Album Release Concert~ New England tunes - grounded in tradition, flying forward at the speed of sound. Four of the finest voices in New England's traditional music scene.
Signature lockstep harmonies can shake the rafters or hush the room..some of the most soul-lifting songs you?ll hear in your life...
pure magic happens when these four musicians play together.
??the unexpectedness of this musical match is part of the delight in all its collaborative glory, is a reminder that roots music is about maintaining and sharing traditions, regardless of where the diasporas take them.?