Seth Glier


Upcoming Shows

January 10
The Iridium (Listening Room)
New York, NY
January 16
The 04 Center (Listening Room)
Austin, TX
January 17
McGonigel's Mucky Duck (Cafe, Restaurant or Coffee Shop)
Houston, TX
January 18
The Old Firehouse (Listening Room)
Edom, TX
January 19
The Depot (Listening Room)
Norman, OK
February 7
Folkus (House Concert)
Syracuse, NY
February 13
Cafe Eleven (Cafe, Restaurant or Coffee Shop)
St Augustine, FL
February 15
February 16
Fogartyville Community Media and Arts Center (Listening Room)
Sarasota, FL
April 4
The Music Hall Lounge (Small Theater)
Portsmouth, NH
April 5
Homegrown Coffeehouse (Folk Music Coffeehouse)
Needham, MA
April 13
Jammin Java (Listening Room)
Vienna, VA
May 8
Godfrey Daniels (Listening Room)
Bethlehem, PA
Booking Contact
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