Kathleen Edwards

Singer/Songwriter, Folk Rock, Pop

Upcoming Shows

January 17
Heartwood Soundstage (Listening Room)
Gainesville, FL
January 22
Motorco Music Hall (Nightclub)
Durham, NC
January 24
Intuition Ale Works (Brewery)
Jacksonville, FL
January 30
Public Records (Listening Room)
Brooklyn, NY
February 19
eTown (Small Theater)
Boulder, CO
February 20
The Armory (Listening Room)
Fort Collins, CO
February 22
Tumbleroot Brewery & Distillery (Brewery)
Santa Fe, NM
February 27
The 04 Center (Listening Room)
Austin, TX
February 28
McGonigel's Mucky Duck (Cafe, Restaurant or Coffee Shop)
Houston, TX
April 26
Burton Cummings Theatre (Concert Hall)
Winnipeg, MB
April 27
Burton Cummings Theatre (Concert Hall)
Winnipeg, MB
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