Dylan LeBlanc

Nashville, TN

Upcoming Shows

January 24
Knuckleheads Saloon (Nightclub)
Kansas City, MO
January 25
Reverb Lounge (Neighborhood Bar)
Omaha, NE
January 26
xBk Live (Neighborhood Bar)
Des Moines, IA
January 28
The Parkway Theater (Small Theater)
Minneapolis, MN
January 29
Shank Hall (Nightclub)
Milwaukee, WI
January 30
Old Town School of Folk Music (Small Theater)
Chicago, IL
January 31
Rumba Cafe (Neighborhood Bar)
Columbus, OH
February 1
Mr Smalls Theatre (Small Theater)
Millvale, PA
February 4
Brooklyn Made (Nightclub)
Brooklyn, NY
February 8
The Grey Eagle (Listening Room)
Asheville, NC
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