Live Acoustic Music Near Freeport, Illinois

If you've never experienced hearing talented musicians perform in a small, intimate environment, you are in for a treat.

House concerts are a growing trend across the country, where people invite friends and neighbors into their homes for an up-close concert experience. And there are several house concerts being held in and around the Freeport area that you can check out - you just need to contact the host and ask to be invited.

Churches and non-profit community groups around Freeport host occasional coffeehouses that feature traditional folk musicians and other acoustic artists as a way of bringing the community together.

Local vineyards and restaurants and cafes in the area sometimes host nationally touring musicians as well.

Below you can find a listing of upcoming shows in these smaller venues by nationally and internationally touring artists.

Upcoming Acoustic Shows

May 10
"Lyric Heavy Americana" With clever, dry humor, thought-provoking lyrics, and a performance style that can transform from intimate listening room to rowdy festivals and bars, Peterson always gives his heart and soul to the stage.
Bullquarian Brewhouse (Vineyard)
Monroe, WI
May 11
The Rough & Tumble is a folk/Americana duo from New Hampshire. They aren’t afraid to take an audience from the lighthearted to the gut wrenching, and they do it seamlessly.
Meridian Music Shed (House Concert)
Rockford, IL
June 1
Music on Pearl is a new venue in the historic UU Church of Stockton, IL. Everyone is welcome!
Music on Pearl (Folk Music Coffeehouse)
Stockton, IL
June 22
Concerts on The Creek (Folk Music Coffeehouse)
Rockford, IL
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Places to see live acoustic music in and around Freeport, Illinois

House Concerts

Meridian Music Shed (Rockford)
Rockford Listening Room (Rockford)

Folk Music Coffeehouses

Concerts on The Creek (Rockford)
Music on Pearl (Stockton)

Vineyards & Breweries

Bailey's Run Vineyard (New Glarus)
Bullquarian Brewhouse (Monroe)

Cafes, Restaurants & Coffee Shops

Minhas Kitchen And Winery (Monroe)