P.E.W.S. (Prove 'em wrong Songwriter)

Oxon Hill, MD
Singer/Songwriter, Folk Rock, Americana, Alt Country, Indie Rock
Growing up, P.E.W.S. was a sensitive preacher’s kid who witnessed church extremism at a young age. She later attended an evangelical school where she faced constant rejection for not fitting the archetype. She was groomed to not speak up. She was told she was doing something wrong and needed to fix herself to fit the mold of the perfect heteronormative “Christian woman.” This only reflected the extremism she witnessed as a young child. Instead of sitting silent in the pews, she learned to advocate for herself when no one else would by accepting what made her different. She later left that circle to learn more about herself. This inspired the play on words P.E.W.S. for “Prove ‘em wrong Songwriter.” Changing her stage name to P.E.W.S. is a homage to her family lineage and to honor her past life as an aspiring singer-songwriter.

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Booking Contact
Maame Danso
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