Brody Bond

Baltimore, MD
Singer/Songwriter, Folk Rock
To listen to Brody Bond’s songs is to fall into a bit of a trap. You might hear something that at first feels comfortable and inviting. But then you realize something else is happening. You’re being offered new ways to perceive your experience in the world.

With a voice that’s confident though fragile, melodies that take surprising turns, and lyrics that are as smart as they are emotionally vulnerable, Brody’s songs will delight especially the critical listener, and especially anyone who has grown from heartbreaking circumstances.

Brody’s performances are light-hearted, but the songs are serious, poetic, and curious. Audiences leave having been invited to a greater curiosity and hope.

Upcoming Shows

August 5
Rehoboth Beach Public Library (Library)
Rehoboth Beach, DE
Booking Contact
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