Two Way Street Coffee House

Contact Info
1047 Curtiss St
We are an all volunteer organization that has been hosting weekly Friday Night concerts since 1970. We also partner with the Plank Road Folk Music Society to host weekly community events such as sing arounds, song circles, workshops and barn-dances.

Upcoming Shows

May 17
Having performed in music theatre, classical and listening room venues, Katie’s open-hearted performances demonstrate a seasoned vulnerability. Drawing from numerous genres (Folk, Blues, Americana) her songs resonate with a yearning for connection.
June 14
Info at
August 16

Previous Shows

April 26
April 19
“A breathtaking acoustic fusion of blues, jazz, folk, classical and Spanish guitar from a stunning guitar virtuoso…”Altadena News, USA”
March 29
March 15
March 1
“Jessica Smucker is an original; a real artist with a cohesive message [and a] voice that is all her own. Each time I listen...I hear something new, the way I do when I listen to Joni Mitchell or Bob Dylan. She is that good." – Nerissa Nields
February 16
I'm Sam Robbins, a Nashville based singer songwriter! My music is in the vein of classic 70's] writers like James Taylor, with an upbeat side. I'm big on storytelling, audience interaction, etc!
November 17
Carole's musical tapestry has been woven thread by thread, song by song, year by year, from a meaningful journey rich with struggles & discipline, integrity and gratitude. Her rapport with her audienc