The Cellar Stage at The Timonium United Methodist Church

Contact Info
2300 Pot Spring Road
Uptown Concerts is now representing artists producing ON LINE CONCERTS Concerts take place at the Timonium United Methodist Church. Space we use mostly holds 180. If needed we can use another space at this church that holds 400.

Upcoming Shows

Sorry, we don't currently know of any upcoming concerts scheduled. Please check back later.

Previous Shows

May 10
March 8
October 13
September 8
A prolific singer/songwriter, social activist, and painter, Tret's songs tell of daily life, environmental concerns, challenges - personal and universal. She's opened for such bands as Yes, Poco, and the Geils Band.
June 23
The wit and honesty of this renowned Minnesota-via-New Jersey guitarist and songwriter have made him one of the most beloved artists currently carrying on the folk tradition.
March 24
March 10